Barricades, Flagging, and Signage
When using barricades, flags, or signage:

Be sure to place warning tape around work areas.
- Whenever a temporary hazard exists due to operations or maintenance work, use necessary signs and barricades to warn and protect workers.
- Ground level barricade devices should be at least 3 feet in height and extend 3 feet past the ends of the hazardous zones.
- Use flags and descriptive tags to warn workers in work areas.
- Colored flagging tape can identify worker actions near hazardous areas as follows:
- Red with black letters - 'DANGER - DO NOT ENTER' - use when falling objects or overhead lifts, etc., create hazards. Entry restricted to authorized workers only.
- Yellow with black letters - 'CAUTION' - Use as a warning when a hazard exists in the area. Increased hazard awareness is required.
- Do not remove flagging tape until the hazard no longer exists and work has been completed.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
6-11. What color scheme should warning tape have if there is a chance of being hit by falling objects?
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