Guarding involves locating or enclosing electric equipment in a way that prevents accidental contact with its live parts.

For effective guarding, equipment with exposed parts operating at 50 volts or more should be placed in areas accessible only to authorized personnel who are qualified to handle such equipment. Recommended locations include:
- a room, vault, or similar enclosure
- a balcony, gallery, or elevated platform
- a site elevated 8 feet or more above the floor
Sturdy, permanent screens can also serve as effective guards.
Conspicuous signs must be posted at the entrances to electrical rooms and similarly guarded locations. These signs serve to alert individuals to the electrical hazards and to forbid entry to unauthorized people. The signs may display words like 'Danger,' 'Warning,' or 'Caution,' followed by a brief, clear message about the hazard or instruction, such as 'Danger/High Voltage/Keep Out."
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
2-2. At what voltage must equipment with exposed parts be placed where it is accessible only to authorized people qualified to work with it?
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