What is Effective Recognition
There are many different types of safety recognition programs used and promoted these days. Of course, some are more effective than others, but there is certainly no "one-fits-all" program available today. To be successful, management must understand that effective recognition is a key leadership skill that helps to develop positive relationships. You can tell when recognition is effective when there is an increase in the frequency of desired behaviors, better quality, and higher levels of production and services.
A world-class safety culture, characterized by a high level of trust, may not need to develop a formal written safety recognition program. Rather, managers will likely perceive recognition as their opportunity to demonstrate leadership, so that ultimately, positive working relationships are established or reinforced. In the best-case scenario, where there is the presence of strong safety leadership, a formal program may not be needed because leaders are regularly providing meaningful incentives and recognition informally, one-on-one, to their employees.
The characteristics and related benefits of effective recognition include:
- increased quality in terms of production and services to customers
- improved employee job satisfaction and feelings of self-worth
- improved employee morale and loyalty to the company
- increased retention of employees and lower turnover
- improved employee safety performance and fewer accidents
- decreased stress due to poor management-employee relationships
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