The purpose of this course is to provide workers in all industries with introductory information about OSHA and the OSHAct of 1970, also known as the 'General Duty Clause.' This course focuses on introducing you to OSHA, including employee rights, employer responsibilities, and the OSHA inspection process.
Topics within the course include:
- Why is OSHA important to you?
- What rights do you have under OSHA?
- What responsibilities does your employer have under OSHA?
- What are OSHA standards?
- How are OSHA inspections conducted?
- Where can you go for help?
Course Objectives
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
ID | Objective |
TO 1.0 | Achieve a minimum score of 70% on the final course assessment. |
LO 1.1.1 | Describe the mission, basic organization, and jurisdiction of OSHA. |
LO 1.1.2 | Describe the different types of OSHA inspections and the typical steps in an OSHA on-site inspection. |
LO 1.1.3 | List and describe OSHA citation categories and penalty structure. |
LO 1.1.4 | Describe OSHA complaint and accident reporting requirements. |
LO 1.1.5 | Describe OSHA resources available to the employer. |
LO 1.2.1 | Identify employee basic rights and employer responsibilities under the OSHAct of 1970. |
LO 1.2.2 | Describe employee whistleblower protections and complaint requirements. |
Key: Terminal Objective (TO), Learning Objective (LO)