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150 Physical Health Hazards in Construction
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Radiation Exposure

Radiation may be defined as energy traveling through space. The most familiar form of electromagnetic (EM) radiation is sunshine, which provides light and heat. Sunshine consists primarily of radiation in infrared (IR), visible, and ultraviolet (UV) frequencies. Lasers also emit EM radiation in these "optical frequencies."

This image shows the sources of radiation exposure.
  • Ionizing radiation: The higher frequencies of EM radiation, consisting of x-rays and gamma rays, are types of ionizing radiation.
  • Non-ionizing radiation: Lower frequency radiation, consisting of ultraviolet (UV), infrared (IR), microwave (MW), Radio Frequency (RF), and extremely low frequency (ELF) are types of non-ionizing radiation.

Radiation affects people by depositing energy in body tissue, which can cause cell damage or cell death. In some cases there may be no noticeable effect. In other cases, the cell may survive but become abnormal, either temporarily or permanently. An abnormal cell may become malignant.

The frequencies in green indicate ionizing radiation.

Both large and small doses of radiation can cause cellular damage. The extent of the damage depends upon the total amount of energy absorbed, the time period and dose rate of the exposure, and the particular organs exposed.

  • Chronic exposure is continuous or intermittent exposure to low doses of radiation over a long period of time. Health effects are delayed and can include cancer and other health outcomes such as benign tumors, cataracts, and potentially harmful genetic effects.
  • Acute exposure is exposure to a large, single dose of radiation, or a series of moderate doses received during a short period of time. Large acute doses can result from accidental or emergency exposures or from specific medical procedures (radiation therapy).

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

2-8. The extent of damage from radiation sources depends on which of the following factors?