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172 Healthcare: Glutaraldehyde Safety
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Glutaraldehyde Hazards

Potential Exposure

In addition to being used as a disinfectant, glutaraldehyde is also used as a tissue fixative in histology and pathology labs, as well as a hardening agent in x-ray development.

Glutaraldehyde is used as a hardening agent in the development of x-rays.

Healthcare workers potentially exposed to glutaraldehyde include:

  • hospital staff who work in areas with a cold sterilizing procedure that uses glutaraldehyde (for example, gastroenterology and cardiology departments)
  • hospital staff who work in operating rooms, dialysis departments, endoscopy units, and intensive care units where glutaraldehyde formulations are used in infection control procedures
  • central service (supply) workers who use glutaraldehyde as a sterilant
  • research technicians, researchers, and pharmacy personnel who either prepare the alkaline solutions or fix tissues in histology and pathology labs
  • laboratory technicians who sterilize benchtops with glutaraldehyde solutions
  • workers who develop x-rays

How Exposure Occurs

Workers can be exposed to glutaraldehyde through inhalation or skin contact during the following procedures:

  • cold sterilization of instruments in endoscopy and surgical units
    • when glutaraldehyde solution is poured into or out of the sterilizing pans
    • when sterilized equipment is removed from the sterilizing pans
  • disinfection of histology/pathology laboratory tabletops
  • mixing and activation of various glutaraldehyde solutions
  • tissue fixation in histology labs
  • development of x-rays

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

1-1. How can healthcare workers be exposed to glutaraldehyde?