Section 1 - Program Management
01.A General.
This Section provides the overall programmatic guidance for developing, managing and implementing a safety and occupational health (SOH) program.

No person must be required, instructed or allowed to work in surroundings or under conditions that are unsafe or dangerous to his or her health.
The employer is responsible for initiating and maintaining a SOH program that complies with the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) SOH requirements.
- Note 1: Supplementation of this manual is not authorized except as published by the HQUSACE SOH Office.
- Note 2: Local USACE Commands may develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to implement the provisions contained within this manual, but may not implement new requirements (e.g., more stringent, differing in intent, etc.), without the specific approval of HQUSACE-SO.
Each employee is responsible for complying with applicable SOH requirements, wearing prescribed SOH equipment, reporting unsafe conditions or activities, preventing avoidable mishaps, and working in a safe manner.
Supervisors must remove employees from exposure to work hazards, or the work site when they are observed acting in an unsafe manner, or otherwise pose a potential SOH threat to themselves or others. Employees may return to the work environment after appropriate supervisory action has occurred (i.e., re-training on proper safe procedures, etc.).
SOH programs, documents, signs, and tags must be communicated to employees in a language that they understand.
Worksites with non-English speaking workers must have a person(s), fluent in the language(s) spoken as well as English, on-site when work or training is being performed, to interpret and translate as needed.
01.A.07 SOH Bulletin Board.
The Contractor or USACE Project must erect and maintain a SOH bulletin board in a commonly accessed area in clear view of the on-site workers. The bulletin board must be continually maintained and updated and placed in a location that is protected against the elements and unauthorized removal. It must contain, at minimum, the following SOH information:
- A map denoting the route to the nearest emergency care facility;
- Emergency phone numbers;
- A copy of the most current Accident Prevention Plan (APP) or Project Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) Plan, mounted on/adjacent to the bulletin board, or a notice on the bulletin board stating the location of the Plan. The location of the Plan must be accessible on the site by all workers;
- The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Form 300A, Summary of Work Related Injuries and Illnesses, posted in accordance with OSHA requirements (from February 1 to April 30 of the year following the issuance of this form). It must be mounted on/adjacent to the bulletin board, accessible on the site by all workers;
- A copy of the SOH deficiency tracking log mounted on/adjacent to the bulletin board or a notice on the bulletin board must state the location where it may be accessed by all workers upon request; > See 01.A.13.d.
- SOH promotional posters;
- Date of last lost workday injury and date of last OSHA recordable injury;
- OSHA Safety and Health Poster;
- A copy of the hazardous material inventory, identification of use, approximate quantities and site map detailing location as required by Section 06.B.01.a.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
1-1. What are supervisors required to do if they observe an employee who poses a potential SOH threat to themselves or others?
You forgot to answer the question!