08.C Traffic Control.
08.C.01 Traffic control must be accomplished in accordance with DOT Federal Highway Administration's MUTCD.

08.C.02 The Contractor must conduct his operations in such a manner as to offer the least possible obstruction to the safe and satisfactory movement of traffic over the existing roads during the life of the contract.
08.C.03 The Contractor must be responsible for providing, erecting, maintaining, and removing all traffic signs, barricades, and other traffic control devices necessary for maintenance of traffic.
08.C.04 All barricades, warning signs, lights, temporary signals, other devices, flagmen, and signaling devices must meet or exceed the minimum requirements of the local DOT requirements.
08.C.05 Prior to the commencement of contract operations, the Contractor must submit for acceptance the complete details of the proposed traffic control plan for the maintenance of traffic and access through the contract work area.
08.C.06 The Contractor must coordinate with the GDA and obtain approval and any required permits from local authorities prior to closing or restricting any roads.
08.C.07 Barricades, danger, warning and detour signs, as required, must be erected before any roads are closed.
- When roads are temporarily closed to public access, barricades or gates must be used that are highly visible in day or night conditions. At a minimum, barriers must be coated with reflective paint or be applied with highly reflective tape on both sides, and be signed as "ROAD CLOSED".
- Affected roads must also be posted with appropriate warning signs a minimum of 100 ft (30.5 m) before the barrier per W20-3, DNG-11, W RN-24, or other appropriate signs from the MUTCD or USACE Sign Standards Manual. Size and placement of signs depends on viewing distance and speed limit of roadway.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
8-8. Who is responsible for providing, erecting, maintaining, and removing all traffic signs, barricades, and other traffic control devices?
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