Section 8 - Accident Prevention Signs, Tags, Labels, Signals, Piping System Identification and Traffic Control
08.A Signs, Tags, Labels and Piping Systems
08.A.01 Signs, tags, and labels must be provided to give adequate warning and caution of hazards. They are provided to instruct and direct workers and the public.

08.A.02 All warning systems such as signs, tags, and labels must be visible at all times when the hazard or problem exists, and must be removed or covered when the hazard or problem no longer exists.
08.A.03 All employees must be informed as to the meaning of the various signs, tags, and labels used throughout the workplace and any special precautions that may be required.
08.A.04 The safety and occupational health (SOH) related signs in the USACE Sign Standards Manual (EP 310-1-6a) have been determined to meet or exceed ANSI and/or OSHA requirements. USACE facilities must use signs based upon the specifications in the USACE Sign Manual at permanent USACE-owned and USACE-operated sites. USACE employees and contractors may opt to use signs meeting either the OSHA or ANSI standards for temporary use during the life of a project.
08.A.05 Signs, Tags, Placards, Labels, and Piping Systems must meet or exceed the following standards:
- USACE Graphic Standards Manual, EP 310-1-6;
- USACE Sign Standards Manual, Volume 1, EP 310-1-6a;
- 29 CFR 1910.145; Specifications for Accident Prevention Signs and Tags;
- 29 CFR 1926.200; Accident Prevention Signs and Tags;
- ANSI/IEEE C95.2;
- ANSI Z136.1;
- ANSI Z535.1;
- ANSI Z535.2;
- ANSI Z535.5;
- ANSI/ASME A13.1; and
- DOT Federal Highway Administration, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD).
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
8-1. USACE employees and contractors may opt to use signs _____ for temporary use during the life of a project.
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