17.A General.
Conveyor systems must be constructed and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

17.A.01 Inspection, maintenance, and repair. These activities must be performed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations by a Qualified Person (QP). The entire system must be visually inspected daily before start up.
- No maintenance must be performed when a conveyor is in operation except for the following:
- (1) If lubrication is to be done while the conveyor is in motion, lubrication points must be accessible through guard openings which are small enough that fingers cannot reach the hazardous locations. Only trained personnel who are aware of the hazards of the conveyor in motion must be allowed to lubricate a conveyor that is operating; and
- (2) When adjustments or maintenance is required while the conveyor is in operation, only trained personnel who are aware of the hazards must be permitted to make the adjustment or maintenance. If guards need to be removed for the adjustment or maintenance, the conveyor MUST be locked out prior to removing the guards.
- Hazardous Energy Control Procedures must be used for maintenance and servicing other than lubrication which is done without removing guards. > See Section 12.
- Safe access must be provided to permit inspection, lubrication, repair and maintenance activities.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
17-1. What action must be taken if conveyor guards need to be removed for the adjustment or maintenance?
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