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510 EM 385-1-1 Chapters 1-8
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3-8. General Requirements.

General Responsibilities

  • Contractors and USACE must arrange medical facilities and personnel for injured employees before work begins, inform them about job-related injuries, and may require formal agreements for high-risk tasks.
  • Provide all employees with effective, tested communication means for emergencies and transport for injured workers.
  • Post emergency contact numbers and a map to the nearest medical facility prominently at the workplace.

First Aid and CPR Availability

  • Ensure at least two employees can administer first aid and CPR per shift, with special provisions for employees working alone or in remote areas.
  • For sites with over 100 employees, maintain and provide a list of certified individuals to site security personnel.

First Aid Kits

  • First aid kits must comply with ANSI Z308.1, with one kit for every 25 employees (or fewer), and additional contents based on work environment hazards.
  • Mark and distribute kits clearly throughout the site, protect them from weather, and inspect them regularly.
  • All employees in proximity to a first aid kit must receive training as per paragraph 3-3.

Automatic External Defibrillators (AED)

  • AED placement is optional but recommended. Justify their placement based on EMS proximity and maintain uniformity in manufacturer and model.

First Aid and Medical Facility Requirements

  • Provide first aid kits, establish first aid stations for 100-299 employees, and equip health clinics for high-risk operations or those with 300+ employees.
  • Equip health clinics with essential facilities, maintain them strictly for emergencies, and staff them with qualified medical personnel.
  • Identify the location of first aid stations and health clinics with markers and provide emergency lighting.

Drenching and Flushing Facilities

  • Provide facilities for immediate use in areas with potential exposure to toxic or corrosive materials.

Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP)

  • Equip and train employees for BBP protection, establish a site-specific Exposure Control Plan, and ensure maintenance of personal protective equipment (PPE).

Biologic and Environmental Diseases

  • Before work starts, inform employees about diseases in the area, provide comprehensive disease prevention information, and consult relevant health authorities.

3-9. Figures and Tables.

See Figures/Tables Checklists/Forms

3-10. Checklists and Forms.

Not Applicable.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

3-5. A single first aid kit must be provided for every _____ employees in a workplace?

3-8. General Requirements.