Emergency Preparedness
Emergency preparedness planning is essential because incidents can occur, even with the best-laid-out security plans. Here are some helpful tips to be prepared:
- Establish written emergency guidelines. Test and exercise the plan to make sure they work in a crisis.
- Administrators and safety personnel from both schools involved in an event should coordinate information in advance. They should review security procedures and written emergency guidelines.
- School administrators and safety personnel should coordinate with emergency medical personnel in advance of the event. For example, during large events, some schools will have an ambulance on stand-by on-site before, during, and after a game.
- Evacuation plans should be clear, and staff members with roles and responsibilities in the event of an emergency should be trained.
- Have detailed plans on how to manage the "post-crisis" aftermath in the hours and days following an incident or event.
School Safety - Emergency Preparedness
According to Safe Sport Zone, a policy requiring photo identification could be key to creating safer environments for fans at high school sports events.
For more helpful information regarding developing a school crisis plan, see OSHAcademy course 575, School Safety Crisis Planning.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
3-3. According to Safe Sport Zone, what is the key to safer school sports event?
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