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575 School Safety: Crisis Planning
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Identify and Involve Stakeholders

It's important to identify your "stakeholders" because they each perform the role of planner in the crisis management process. They are the people who are concerned about the safety of everyone at the school and they are the people you will call for help when a crisis happens.

Four emergency medical technicians (EMTs) with an ambulance in the background.
It is essential to work closely with city and county emergency planners.

Stakeholders include:

  • Families and students
  • Key community/state leaders such as school board members, elected officials, and clergy
  • Local police, emergency responders, and county emergency planners
  • District/school administrators and staff
  • Local media

It's equally important to involve all stakeholders in the emergency planning process. Here are some ways to include stakeholders:

  • Ask stakeholders to provide feedback on sections of the plan that pertain to them.
  • Create working relationships with emergency responders. Learn how they function and how you will work with them during a crisis.
  • Work closely with city and county emergency planners. You will need to know the kinds of support your school can provide them during a crisis. For example, city and county planners may want to use a school as an emergency shelter or a supply depot.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

3-2. When it comes to a preparing for a crisis, what role do stakeholders play?