Necessary Equipment and Supplies
Staff members need to have all the necessary equipment readily available to respond to a crisis. Make sure there are enough master keys for emergency responders so that they can have immediate access to the school.

Equipment includes:
- Radios, smartphones, wired telephone and pagers.
- Automated External Defibrillators may be required for a first aid/CPR team.
- Fire extinguishers would be required for a fire brigade.
- Spill containment and absorbent equipment would be required for a hazardous materials response team or trained employees working in their assigned workspace.
- Personal protective equipment including hearing, eye, face and foot protection may be required for employees as part of a safety program.
Other equipment and tools may be required to prepare a facility for a forecast event such as a hurricane, flooding or severe winter storm.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
3-5. What should the crisis team give emergency responders to make sure they have access to facilities during an emergency?
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