Implement a Reporting System
Develop and communicate a simple procedure for workers to report any injuries, illnesses, incidents (including near misses/close calls), hazards, or safety and health concerns, without fear of retaliation.
Let's look at some ways management can help make reporting safety issues effective.
- Positive responses and recognition when employees report safety concerns, hazards, near misses, and injury accidents sends a message of appreciation to employees and helps to build trust: a critical requirement.
- It is important managers and supervisors respond in a timely manner to reports, especially those that involve injury accidents and serious hazards that could cause injury.
You may read it is important to allow employees to report hazards or concerns anonymously, and in some instances, that is true. But remember, everything we do sends a message to someone.
What is the message when we allow or encourage anonymous reporting? It tells employees they may have a good reason not to trust management.
In a world-class safety culture where trust exists, employees would not think to report anonymously because without a doubt, management will positively recognize them every time they report. Trust between employees and management will increase reporting, which represents a leading indicator of effective safety management.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
3-3. Why is it so important to give positive recognition when employees report hazards, near-misses, incident and injuries?
You forgot to answer the question!