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617 Managing Safety and Health- General Industry
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Address Emergencies

Identify foreseeable emergency scenarios and develop instructions on what to do in each case.

two workers using a fire extinguisher in a hallway
Identify foreseeable emergency scenarios and develop instructions on what to do in each case.

Meet to discuss these procedures and post them in a visible location in the workplace.

  • Include a written Emergency Action Plan and a Fire Prevention Plan in your company's safety and health program.
  • Make sure evacuation procedures are known and practiced by all employees.
  • Train employees on how to use fire extinguishers.
  • Train employees on first-aid/CPR procedures in case of medical emergencies.

If the possibility of uncontrollable releases of hazardous substances or fire can occur at the workplace, and the employer expects employees to control those emergencies. In this case, a Hazardous Waste Emergency Response Plan (HAZWOPER) may be required.

For more information on emergency preparedness, check out OSHAcademy courses 717 Emergency Action Plans and 718 Fire Prevention Plans.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

3-8. Which two plans are necessary to make sure the company is ready for emergencies?