Integrity vs. Availability
The Security Rule emphasizes two more goals: ensuring the integrity and availability of e-PHI. Within the rule, "integrity" refers to e-PHI not being changed or destroyed in an unauthorized manner. On the other hand, "availability" means that an authorized individual can access and use e-PHI when required.

HHS acknowledges that covered entities can vary from small providers to large, multi-state health plans. As a result, the Security Rule is designed to be flexible and adaptable. This allows each entity to assess its needs and create suitable solutions for its unique environment. The right approach for a covered entity depends on its business nature, size, and available resources.
When deciding on security measures, the Rule doesn't specify exact measures. Instead, it requires the covered entity to consider:
- its size, complexity, and capabilities
- its technical infrastructure, including hardware and software
- the costs associated with security measures
- the potential risks to e-PHI, considering both their likelihood and possible impact
Covered entities need to regularly review and update their security measures to ensure continued protection of e-PHI in evolving environments.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
3-5. Under the Security Rule, _____ means e-PHI is not altered or destroyed in an unauthorized manner.
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