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628 Healthcare: Sonography Safety
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Body Posture Concepts

No matter what equipment you use or building you work in, keeping basic safe work practices in mind can help you work more safely when performing a scan. All the work items you use in your scanning techniques should be adjusted as much as possible to ensure proper body positioning.

Keep the body part to be scanned directly in front of the sonographer.

Potential Hazard

  • Tipping the head back or forward places stress on the neck and shoulders.
  • Reaching that involves pulling the elbow away from the body can stress the shoulder and back.
  • Bending and twisting the torso places stress on the low back.
  • Bending and twisting the lower arm and wrist places stress on the hand and elbow.
  • Prolonged standing, sitting or holding the arm or neck in a static posture can fatigue the shoulder, leg, neck or hand, as well as create a contact stress on various body parts such as feet, buttocks and the legs.

Possible Solutions

  • Keep the head balanced and look straight ahead. Do not turn your head to the side or look up or down.
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed. Do not hunch or raise your shoulders up during the procedure.
  • Keep your torso straight. Do not bend.
  • Alternate between sitting and standing positions.
  • When sitting, make sure your feet, back, and buttocks are supported.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

1-6. What effect does prolonged standing, sitting or holding the arm or neck in a static posture have on your body?