Engineering, Administrative, and Work Practice Controls
In the day-to-day operations of a sonography lab, there is always pressure to increase the number of procedures performed. To reduce the risk of potentially career-ending musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), management should ensure the need to perform a high number of procedures does not compromise management commitment to implementing proper ergonomic measures for sonographers.
When your employer does not make safety a priority in your workplace, the institution can experience the following costs:
- excessive sick leave absences
- reduced production
- loss of workforce
- costs related to temporary staff
- all other costs associated with recruiting and training for a hard-to-fill position
It’s possible that today’s sonographers who have been scanning for over 10 years did not receive adequate safety training on how to avoid occupational injuries. Recognition of the problems and interventions can help sonographers protect themselves by identifying and avoiding hazardous situations.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
3-1. To reduce the risk of MSDs, management should commit to _____.
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