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629 Planning for Workplace Emergencies
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Exit Route Requirements

For an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) to work, it's important that thought and planning is given to exit routes. An exit route is a continuous and unobstructed path of exit travel from any point within a workplace to a place of safety.

EAPs, FPPs, and Fire Protection

An exit route consists of three parts:

  1. Exit access: The portion of an exit route that leads to an exit.
  2. Exit: The portion of an exit route that is generally separated from other areas to provide a protected way of travel to the exit discharge.
  3. Exit discharge: The part of the exit route that leads directly outside or to a street, walkway, refuge area, public way, or open space with access to the outside.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

2-1. Which of the following are criteria for exit routes?