General Staff
The General Staff includes Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance/Administrative responsibilities. These responsibilities remain with the IC until they are assigned to another individual.
When the Operations, Planning, Logistics or Finance/Administrative responsibilities are established as separate functions under the IC, they are managed by a section chief and can be supported by other functional units.
- The Operations Staff is responsible for all operations directly applicable to the primary mission of the response.
- The Planning Staff is responsible for collecting, evaluating, and disseminating the tactical information related to the incident, and for preparing and documenting Incident Action Plans (IAP's).
- The Logistics Staff is responsible for providing facilities, services, and materials for the incident response.
- The Finance and Administrative Staff is responsible for all financial, administrative, and cost analysis aspects of the incident.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-6. Which members of the ICS General Staff is responsible for providing facilities, services, and materials for the incident response?
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