Site Characterization - On-Site Survey
Per 29 CFR 1910.120 (c)(2), immediately after initial site entry, based on the results of initial off-site characterization, a more detailed evaluation of the site's specific characteristics will be performed by a qualified person.

The purpose of the detailed evaluation is to:
- identify existing site hazards, and
- to further aid in the selection of the appropriate engineering controls and personal protective equipment for the tasks to be performed.
The purpose of an On-Site Survey is to verify and supplement information from the off-site characterization.
Priorities should be established for hazard assessment and site activities after careful evaluation of probable conditions. Because team members may be entering a largely unknown environment, caution and conservative actions are appropriate.
The composition of the entry team depends on the site characteristics but should always consist of at least four persons: two workers who will enter the site and two outside support persons, suited in personal protective equipment and prepared to enter the site in case of emergency.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
2-1. An entry team for an On-Site Survey should always consist of how many people?
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