Signs and Symptoms of Heat Stress
Heat rash may result from continuous exposure to heat or humid air.
Heat cramps are caused by heavy sweating with inadequate electrolyte replacement. Signs and symptoms include:
- muscle spasms
- pain in the hands, feet, and abdomen
Heat exhaustion occurs from increased stress on various body organs including inadequate blood circulation due to cardiovascular insufficiency or dehydration. Signs and symptoms include:
- pale, cool, moist skin
- heavy sweating
- dizziness
- nausea
- fainting
Heat stroke is the most serious form of heat stress. Temperature regulation fails, and the body temperature rises to critical levels. Immediate action must be taken to cool the body before serious injury and death occur. Competent medical help must be obtained. Signs and symptoms are:
- red, hot, usually dry skin
- lack of or reduced perspiration
- nausea, dizziness, and confusion
- strong, rapid pulse, and coma
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6-4. What is the most serious form of heat stress?
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