Cold Stress
Exposure to cold temperatures can cause frostbite and hypothermia as well as impair the ability to work. Extremely low temperatures are not necessary to suffer cold exposure.
Deadly Cold Exposure:
Cold Weather Safety Tips
A strong wind combined with a cold temperature can chill the body to the point where frostbite and hypothermia are a risk. Maintaining body temperature and recognizing the early signs and symptoms can help prevent injury and illness due to cold exposure.
Cold injury is generally classified as local (e.g., frostbite or frostnip) or general (e.g., hypothermia). The main factors contributing to cold injury are exposure to humidity and high winds, contact with wetness or metal, inadequate clothing, age, and general health. Physical conditions that worsen the effects of the cold include allergies, vascular disease, excessive smoking and drinking, and use of specific drugs and medicines.
PPE and Cold Exposure
The correct PPE depends on the specific cold stress situation. It is important to preserve the air space between the body and the outer layer of clothing to retain body heat. The more air pockets each layer of clothing has, the better the insulation. However, the insulating effect is negated if the clothing interferes with the evaporation of sweat, or if the skin or clothing is wet.
The most important parts of the body to protect are the feet, hands, head, and face. Hands and feet are the farthest from the heart and become cooled most easily. Keeping the head covered is important because as much as 40 percent of body heat can be lost when the head is exposed.
Workers should wear several layers of clothing instead of a single heavy outer garment. In addition to offering better insulation, layers of clothing can be removed as needed to keep the worker from overheating. The outer layer should be windproof as well as waterproof because body heat is lost quickly in even light winds
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6-7. What is one of the main factors that contribute to cold injury?
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