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667 HAZWOPER for General Site Workers VIII
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Confined Space Attendant Responsibilities

The attendant are stationed immediately outside the access point of the confined space.

The attendant should be stationed outside the work space and should monitor surrounding activities to ensure the safety of personnel.

They play a key role and have the following responsibilities:

  • Be knowledgeable of, and can recognize potential confined space hazards.
  • Maintain a sign-in/sign-out log with a count of all persons in the confined space and ensure all entrants sign-in/sign-out.
  • Monitor surrounding activities to ensure the safety of personnel.
  • Maintain effective and continuous communication with personnel during confined space entry, work, and exit.
  • Order personnel to evacuate the confined space if he/she:
    • Observes a condition which is not allowed on the entry permit;
    • Notices the entrants acting strangely, possibly because of exposure to hazardous substances;
    • Notices a situation outside the confined space which could endanger personnel;
    • Notices within the confined space a hazard which has not been previously recognized or taken into consideration;
    • Must leave his/her work station; or
    • Must focus attention on the rescue of personnel in some other confined space that he/she is monitoring.
  • Immediately summon the Rescue Team if crew rescue becomes necessary. Do NOT enter the confined space to attempt rescue. Attempt non-entry rescue if prompt rescue team response is not possible.
  • Keep unauthorized persons out of the confined space, order them out, or notify authorized personnel of the unauthorized entry.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

5-4. If an emergency in a confined space requires rescue, what should the attendant do first?