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668 HAZWOPER for General Site Workers IX
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Competent Person

An employer-designated competent person who has training in soil analysis, protective systems, and OSHA requirements must be on site to classify the soil, select a protective system, oversee installation, and inspect the system after installation.

A competent person oversees trench work. Note the fall protection he is wearing.

The competent person must inspect trenches daily, before each shift, and as conditions change before authorizing worker entry into trenches.

If there are no existing hazards the competent person can leave the excavation site for a short time, but must be present when a protective system is moved. Soil conditions could change or new hazards may arise that require the competent person's judgment.

The competent person must be authorized by the employer to take prompt corrective actions to eliminate existing and predictable hazards and to stop work when required. The competent person must be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Training, experience, and knowledge of:
    • soil analysis;
    • use of protective systems; and
    • requirements of 29 CFR Part 1926 Subpart P.
  • Ability to detect:
    • conditions that could result in cave-ins;
    • failures in protective systems;
    • hazardous atmospheres; and
    • other hazards including those associated with confined spaces.

Real-life Scenario

How to Dig Your Own Grave

An OSHA compliance officer stopped by ongoing trench work and discovered workers trying to dig out two workers who were partially buried in the trench due to a collapse of the trench wall.

Equipment is being used to "shore" the trench wall that had previously collapsed. What about the wall on the opposite side. These workers are all in danger of another collapse.

The collapse occurred in an section of the trench that was not yet adequately shored.

  • If workers are in an excavation that is five feet deep (or deeper), they must be protected from a cave-in. The trench in this photo appears to be deeper than 10 feet.
  • If a competent person determines that there is a potential for an excavation to cave-in, workers must be protected regardless of its depth.

All of the workers in the trench were in danger of a second collapse. Thankfully, these workers were not seriously injured but this situation could have resulted in a multiple fatality.

The question is, where was the competent person for this worksite? (Source OR-OSHA)

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

5-2. Who must the employer designate as having authority on the excavation project to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate existing and predictable hazards and to stop work when required?