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668 HAZWOPER for General Site Workers IX
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Access and Egress

To avoid fall injuries during normal entry and exit of a trench or excavation at your job site, ladders, stairways, or ramps are required.

This excavation has inadequate shoring, and access/egress.

In some circumstances, when conditions in a trench or excavation become hazardous, survival may even depend on how quickly you can climb out. Use the following guidelines and safe practices to avoid excavation access-egress hazards:

  • Provide stairways, ladders, ramps, or other safe means of egress in all trenches that are 4 feet deep or more.
  • Position means of egress within 25 lateral feet of workers.
  • Structural ramps that are used solely for access or egress from excavations must be designed by a competent person.
  • When two or more components form a ramp or runway, they must be connected to prevent displacement, and be of uniform thickness.
  • Cleats or other means of connecting runway components must be attached in a way that would not cause tripping (e.g., to the bottom of the structure).
  • Structural ramps used in place of steps must have a non-slip surface.
  • Use earthen ramps as a means of egress only if a worker can walk them in an upright position, and only if they have been evaluated and approved by a competent person.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

5-3. Construction workers should provide stairways, ladders, ramps, or other safe means of egress in all trenches that are _____ feet deep or more.