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670 8-hour HAZWOPER Refresher for Cleanup Operations
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Decontamination Facility Design

At a hazardous waste site, decontamination facilities should be in the Contamination Reduction Zone (CRZ), i.e., the area between the Exclusion Zone (the contaminated area) and the Support Zone (the clean area).

It's important to design decontamination stations to ensure they effectively decontaminate workers.

The level and types of decontamination procedures required depend on several site-specific factors including:

  • chemical, physical, and toxicological properties of the wastes and pathogenicity of infectious wastes
  • amount, location, and containment of contaminants
  • potential for, and location of, exposure based on assigned worker duties, activities, and functions
  • potential for wastes to permeate, degrade, or penetrate materials used for personal protective clothing and equipment, vehicles, tools, buildings, and structures
  • proximity of incompatible wastes
  • movement of personnel and/or equipment among different zones and emergencies
  • methods available for protecting workers during decontamination
  • impact of the decontamination process and compounds on worker safety and health

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

12-8. Where should decontamination facilities be located at a hazardous waste site?