Site Map
A site map (see image) showing topographic features, prevailing wind direction, drainage, and the location of buildings, containers, impoundments, pits, ponds, and tanks is helpful in:
- planning activities
- assigning personnel
- identifying access routes, evacuation routes, and problem areas
- identifying areas of the site that require use of personal protective equipment
- supplementing the daily safety and health briefings of the field teams
The map should be prepared before site entry and updated throughout the course of site operations to reflect:
- accidents
- changes in site activities
- emergencies
- hazards not previously identified
- new materials introduced on site
- vandalism
- weather conditions
Overlays can be used to help portray information without cluttering the map.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
6-2. What is used to identify topographic features, prevailing wind direction, drainage, and the location of buildings on the hazardous waste site?
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