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670 8-hour HAZWOPER Refresher for Cleanup Operations
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Laboratory Waste Packs

Laboratory waste packs should be considered to hold explosive or shock-sensitive wastes until otherwise characterized. Most laboratory hazardous sample wastes can be packaged in "lab packs" due to the small quantity. This process uses smaller shipping containers (30 gallons or less) that meet the specified packaging requirements (40 CFR 173.2).

In addition to the requirements for shock sensitive wastes, the following precautions must be taken in handling laboratory waste packs (lab packs):

  • Prior to handling or transporting lab packs, all non-essential personnel should move a safe distance from the handling area.
  • If handling is required, continuous communication with the Site Health and Safety Officer and/or the command post should be maintained until handling operations are complete.
  • Lab packs must be opened only when necessary and then only by an individual knowledgeable in the inspection, classification, and segregation of the containers within the pack according to the hazards of the wastes.
  • Once a lab pack has been opened, it should be inspected and classified according to the hazards of the wastes to ensure safe segregation of the lab packs' contents.
  • If crystalline material is noted on any container, the contents must be handled as a shock-sensitive waste until the contents are identified.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

7-9. Which type of container should be considered to hold explosive or shock-sensitive wastes until otherwise characterized?