3. Options to Correct the Problem
It's important to present options from which the decision-maker may choose. Options give the decision-maker greater control by allowing him or her to choose from a number of solutions rather than being stuck with a go/no-go decision. Ultimately, when options are given, the likelihood that something will get done increases. When giving options:
- Make sure they somehow eliminate or at least reduce the hazards and behaviors
- Make sure they somehow improve resources, programs, policies, plans, processes, procedures, practices, rules, forms, documents, reports
- Recommend at least two (ideally three) solutions
- Option 1: What can be done if money is no constraint
- Option 2: What can be done if money is limited but available
- Option 3: What can be done if money is a make/break consideration
- Briefly list low/high cost solutions that eliminate the problem now/soon
- Briefly list low/high cost solutions that reduce the problem now/soon
- Briefly list the advantages and disadvantages of each solution
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
7-4. By giving decision-makers options, they will more likely approve your recommendations because they have _____.
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