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713 Confined Space Program
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Warning Signs

If a workplace contains permit spaces, the employer must inform exposed employees of their existence, location and the hazards they pose.

Sign showing Danger Confined space
Permit-required confined spaces must have warning signs.

When employees are not allowed to enter confined spaces, the employer must place warning signs that prohibit entry and take other effective measures that prevent them from entering confined spaces. This can be done by posting danger signs such as "DANGER - PERMIT-REQUIRED CONFINED SPACE-AUTHORIZED ENTRANTS ONLY" or using an equally effective measure.

Usually, "effective measures" means making sure employees can't get into the confined space without unlocking or unbolting a hatch. It should not be easy to get in to a confined space. Hatches and covers must be relatively difficult to open.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

2-4. "Effective measures" to prevent unauthorized entry means making sure employees can't get into the confined space without _____.