Procedures and Practices
To properly analyze, determine the hazards, and the nature of the external and internal environment, employers must develop, establish, and implement effective procedures and practices to eliminate or control hazards necessary for safe permit space entry operations. They must also have ways to eliminate the hazards if they're detected. Entry supervisors, attendants and authorized entrants must know their responsibilities and how to safely do their jobs.
It's important to review established entry operations annually and revise the permit space entry program as necessary. An annual review and refresher training is important. If employers have rescue teams, practicing rescue procedures should be conducted at least annually.
Entry Permit System
Employers must establish and implement a written system for preparing, issuing, using and canceling entry permits. If it meets the requirements for a permit, entry supervisors must complete the permit before entry. An entry permit must be developed and used for each entry into a permit-required confined space.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
2-6. Once you analyze and determine the hazards and nature of the external and internal environment prior to confined space entry, you must _____.
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