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716 Safety Management System Evaluation
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The 58-Attributes Worksheet

OSHA consultants assess each of the cues to establish a rating for the associated attribute. If a large number of confirming cues that support the attribute are present, the evaluator may objectively determine that the attribute statement is TRUE.

The table below shows the rating scale, a definition, and the criteria for rating the attribute. Here's how it works.

The evaluator's conclusion about the attribute is entered as one of four numeric ratings (0, 1, 2, or 3). Some evaluators may also use the "NE" or "NA" ratings. However, OSHA evaluators use only the numeric ratings.

To rate the attribute, the evaluator enters one of the ratings next to the attribute's statement.

0 No discernible or meaningful indication that the item is even partially in place. No confirming (+) cues. Eliminated by a single confirming (+) cue.
1 Some portion or aspect is present, although major improvement is needed. Requires a few negating (-) cue and one or more confirming (+) cues.
2 The attribute is largely in place, with only minor improvement needed. Requires multiple confirming (+) cues and a few negating (-) cues.
3 The attribute is completely in place. No negating (-) cues. Eliminated by a single negating (-) cue.
NE Not Evaluated: Recognizes that comprehensive evaluations can be incremental. Optional: Not used by OSHA consultants.
NA Not Applicable: Must have justification in the comments box why the item is not applicable. Optional: Not used by OSHA consultants.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

5.6. In the SHPA Worksheet, which of the four ratings would indicate the absence of negating cues?