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717 Emergency Action Plans
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Assisting People During Evacuations

Employees designated to assist in emergency evacuation procedures should be trained in the complete workplace layout and various alternative escape routes and they should also be:

Employee assisting person in wheelchair to Alternate Evacuation Route
Designate employees to help assist employees that need it.
  • made aware of employees with special needs who may require extra assistance during an evacuation;
  • how to use the buddy system; and
  • any hazardous areas to avoid during an emergency evacuation.

Evacuation areas. If there are any employees with special needs at your worksite it will also be important to be aware of their needs once evacuated. You may want to consider evacuating all special needs employees to the same location if possible. At the very least consider whether the designated evacuation area is suitable to meet the needs of any special needs employees while an emergency is being addressed.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

3-5. Employees designated to assist in emergency evacuation procedures should _____.