Necessary Training
If the problem is one that can be solved in whole or in part by training, then the next step is to determine what training is needed.
To do this, it is necessary to identify what the employee is expected to do and in what ways, if any, the employee's performance is deficient.
When designing a new training program, or preparing to instruct an employee in an unfamiliar procedure or system, a job hazard analysis can be developed by examining engineering data on new equipment or the safety data sheets on unfamiliar substances. The content of the specific OSHA standards applicable to a business can also provide direction in developing training content.
If learning needs can be met by revising an existing training program rather than developing a new one, or if employees already have some knowledge of the process or system to be used, appropriate training content can be developed through such means as:
- Request employees to provide, in writing and in their own words, descriptions of their jobs. These should include the tasks performed and the tools, materials and equipment used.
- Observe employees at the worksite as they perform tasks, asking about the work, and recording their answers.
- Examine similar training programs offered by other companies in the same industry, or obtaining suggestions from such organizations as the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), National Safety Council (NSC), and insurer and OSHA consultants.
Employees can provide valuable information on the training they need. Safety and health hazards can be identified through the employees' responses to such questions as whether anything about their jobs frightens them, if they have had any near-miss incidents, if they think they are taking risks, or if they believe that their jobs involve hazardous operations or substances.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
2-2. If the problem is one that can be solved, in whole or in part, by training then the next step is to determine _____.
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