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722 Ergonomics Program Management
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Describe the Hazards in Each Step

A very important part in the ergonomics JHA development process is to discover the hazards lurking within each step.

employee analyzing equipment hazards as part of a job hazard analysis.
Look for possible hazards in each step.

A basic safety concept must be understood by all safety staff: to have an accident, a hazard and exposure to the hazard must exist. To prevent accidents during a hazardous job, an effective JHA will look for:

  • Hazards. A hazard is an unsafe condition that could cause injury or illness to an employee. Examples of hazard that might be identified include chemicals, heavy objects, sharp edges, and slippery surfaces.
  • Exposure. Exposure usually refers to an employee's placement relative to the hazard's "danger zone". If the employee is within the danger zone, the employee is exposed. The analysis will look for the probability and severity of exposure.

How To Identify Hazards

To make your JHA useful, document the hazards and exposures in a consistent manner. Describing a hazard properly ensures you target the most important contributors to the hazard. The hazard column in your JHA should identify the hazards and the potential for exposure to hazards.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

4-3. To prevent accidents during a hazardous job, an effective JHA will _____.