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722 Ergonomics Program Management
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Job Familiarity and Job Placement Evaluations

Health care providers who evaluate employees, determine their functional capabilities, and prepare opinions regarding work relatedness should be familiar with employee jobs and job tasks.

Image of an employee looking at a checklist
Observation helps healthcare providers become familiar with jobs and job tasks.

With specific knowledge of the physical demands involved in various jobs and the physical capabilities or limitations of employees, the health care provider can match the employee's capabilities with appropriate jobs.

Being familiar with employee jobs not only assists the health care provider in making informed case management decisions but also assists with the identification of ergonomic hazards and alternative job tasks.

One of the best ways for a health care provider to become familiar with jobs and job tasks is by periodic workplace walkaround observations. Once familiar with plant operations and job tasks, the health care provider should periodically revisit the facility to remain knowledgeable about changing working conditions.

Other approaches that may help the health care provider to become familiar with jobs and job tasks include reviewing job analysis reports, detailed job descriptions, job safety analyses, and photographs or videotapes that are accompanied by narrative or written descriptions of the jobs.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

7-4. One of the best ways for a health care provider to become familiar with jobs and job tasks is by periodic _____.