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726 Introduction to Machine Guarding
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Performing Lockout/Tagout Procedures

In order to prevent the hazards we have discussed, each machine or piece of equipment should be safeguarded during the conduct of servicing or maintenance by:

  1. notifying all affected employees (usually machine or equipment operators or users) that the machine or equipment must be shut down to perform some maintenance or servicing;
  2. stopping the machine;
  3. isolating the machine or piece of equipment from its energy source;
  4. locking out or tagging out the energy source;
  5. relieving any stored or residual energy; and
  6. verifying that the machine or equipment is isolated from the energy source.

Although this is the general rule, exceptions can be made when the servicing or maintenance is not hazardous for an employee, is minor in nature, is done as an integral part of production and the employer uses alternative safeguards which provide effective protection as is required by OSHA standards.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

6-5. When machinery is about to be worked on, maintenance workers should notify _____.