Release from Lockout/Tagout Procedures
When the servicing or maintenance is completed, there are specific steps which must be taken to return the machine or piece of equipment to service. Use these steps:
- Inspect the machine or equipment to ensure all guards and other safety devices are in place and functional;
- Check the area to ensure reenergizing and starting-up the machine or equipment will not endanger employees;
- Remove the lockout devices;
- Reenergize of the machine or equipment; and
- Notify affected employees that the machine or equipment may be returned to service.
The steps to lockout described above are only a part of the total Energy Control Program (ECP) which must exist in the workplace. In addition, the employer should do the following:
- Develop procedures for all machines and equipment
- Train employees in their duties and responsibilities under the ECP, and
- Periodically inspect performance to maintain the effectiveness of the program
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
6-6. The first step for release from lockout/tagout is to _____.
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