Deciding Methods to Use in a PHA
The process hazard analysis method selected must be appropriate to the complexity of the process and must identify, evaluate, and control the hazards involved in the process.
The selection will be influenced by many factors including how much is known about the process.
- Is it a process that has been operated for a long period of time with little or no innovation and extensive experience has been generated with its use?
- Is it a new process or one that has been changed frequently by the inclusion of innovation features?
Also, the size and complexity of the process will influence the decision as to the appropriate PHA method to use.
It's appropriate to use different methods and team members for various parts of the process. The conclusions of the different methods and teams can be integrated into one final study and evaluation.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-5. The process hazard analysis method selected must be appropriate to the _____.
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