The PHA Team
OSHA believes that the process hazard analysis is best performed by a team with expertise in engineering and process operations.
The team conducting the PHA needs to understand the method that is going to be used. The PHA team should include:
- at least one employee who has experience with and knowledge of the process being evaluated; and
- one member (preferably the team leader) knowledgeable in the specific analysis methods and proper implementation of methods being used in the evaluation.
See a list of below of areas for which other full or part-time team members may need to provide expertise.
- Process technology
- Process design
- Operating procedures and practices
- Alarms
- Emergency procedures
- Instrumentation
- Maintenance procedures
- Routine and non-routine tasks
- How tasks are authorized
- Procurement of parts and supplies
- Safety and health
- Any other relevant subjects
The ideal team will have an intimate knowledge of the standards, codes, specifications, and regulations applicable to the process being studied. The selected team members need to be compatible and the team leader needs to be able to manage the team and the PHA study. The team needs to be able to work together while benefiting from the expertise of others on the team or outside the team to resolve issues and to forge a consensus on the findings of the study and recommendations.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-7. One member of the PHA team (preferably the team leader) should be knowledgeable in _____.
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