Brazing and Soldering Hazards and Precautions
Cadmium and Beryllium
Brazing and soldering with or on alloys containing cadmium or beryllium can be extremely hazardous because the fumes are extremely toxic and can cause death.

- Always avoid skin contact with cadmium and beryllium.
- Consult an expert in industrial hygiene whenever using cadmium or beryllium compounds or when performing repairs on parts containing the metals.
Fluoride Compounds
Fluxes containing fluoride compounds are also toxic. Good ventilation is essential when soldering or brazing and the operator should always observe good safety practices.
A common hazard when soldering is exposure of the skin, eyes, and clothing to acid fluxes. Be sure to observe these safety precautions when brazing or soldering.
- Always work in a way that flux will not be spilled on the skin or clothing.
- Always wear chemical splash-proof goggles, rubber gloves, and long sleeves when using cleaning solutions, pickling solutions, or acids.
- If you are exposed to any chemical solutions, acids, or fluxes, wash the affected area at once, and seek medical attention immediately.
- Remove or keep away all flammable material from the heating flames. Remember, heating soldering copper sometimes presents a fire hazard if an open flame is used.
- When performing hot work, make sure there are no flammable vapors present, such as gasoline, acetylene, or other flammable gases.
- Do NOT start a job until you have taken all safety precautions and the fire marshal notified, if applicable.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
5-2. Brazing and soldering on alloys can be extremely hazardous and can cause death if they contain _____.
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