A wound is another problem that could be the result of an electrical shock.

Welders could accidentally suffer an electrical shock, which could cause a loss of balance. This could result in a minor or serious injury. Because workplace injuries can occur, you should know the basics of first aid.
Wounds are classified according to their general condition, size, location, how the skin or tissue is broken, and the agent that caused the wound.
Burns represent the most common type of welding injury. The causes of burns are generally classified as thermal, electrical, chemical, or radiation. Whatever the cause, shock always results if the burns are extensive. The four types of common burns experienced by welders include:
- Thermal burns. Thermal burns are caused by exposure to intense heat, such as that generated by fire, bomb flash, sunlight, hot liquids, hot solids, and hot gases. Their care depends upon the severity of the burn and the percentage of the body area involved.
- Electrical burns. Electric current passing through tissues or the superficial wound caused by electrical flash causes electrical burns. They may be far more serious than they first appear. The entrance wound may be small; but as electricity penetrates the skin, it burns a large area below the surface. Usually there are two external burn areas: one where the current enters the body and another where it leaves.
- Chemical burns. Chemical burns are generally not caused by heat, but by the direct chemical destruction of body tissues. When acids, alkalis, or other chemicals come in contact with the skin or other body membranes, they can cause injuries generally referred to as chemical burns. The extremities, mouth, and eyes are the areas that are most often affected. Alkali burns are usually more serious than acid burns because they penetrate longer. When chemical burns occur, carry out emergency measures immediately. Do not wait for the arrival of medical personnel.
- Radiation burns. These burns are the result of prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation. First- and second-degree burns may develop. Treatment is essentially the same as that for thermal burns.
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