Compressed Gases
Within laboratories, compressed gases are usually supplied either through fixed piped gas systems or individual cylinders of gases.

Compressed gases contained in cylinders vary in chemical properties, ranging from inert and harmless to toxic and explosive. The high pressure of the gases constitutes a serious hazard in the event that gas cylinders sustain physical damage and/or are exposed to high temperatures.
Compressed gases can be toxic, flammable, oxidizing, corrosive, or inert. Leakage of any of these gases can be hazardous in the following ways:
- Leaking inert gases (e.g., nitrogen) can quickly displace air in a large area creating an oxygen-deficient atmosphere;
- Toxic gases can create poisonous atmospheres; and
- Flammable (oxygen) or reactive gases can result in fire and exploding cylinders.
In addition, there are hazards from the pressure of the gas and the physical weight of the cylinder, including:
- A gas cylinder falling over can break containers and crush feet.
- The gas cylinder can itself become a missile if the cylinder valve is broken off.
Laboratories must include compressed gases in their inventory of chemicals in their Chemical Hygiene Plan.
Store, handle, and use compressed gases in accord with OSHA’s Compressed Gases Standard (29 CFR 1910.101) and Pamphlet P-1 from the Compressed Gas Association. Be sure to adhere to the following:
- All cylinders whether empty or full must be stored upright.
- Secure cylinders of compressed gases. Cylinders should never be dropped or allowed to strike each other with force.
- Transport compressed gas cylinders with protective caps in place and do not roll or drag the cylinders.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
9-3. Which of the following can quickly displace air in a large area creating an oxygen-deficient atmosphere in the laboratory?
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