A Simple Seven Step On-The-Job Training (OJT) Process
Safety training should be simple training. It should be done where the task is performed, and hopefully the supervisor is conducting the training. Here is a seven-step OJT training process that helps to ensure new employees don't get hurt while being trained. We know it may appear to be unnecessary, but new construction workers get hurt regularly while being initially taught how to do a job.
Welding is a general term for various processes used to join metal parts by producing a coalescence, called a weld, at a joint. This is usually done by applying heat and energy when bringing the pieces of metal together.
Step 1- Introduction: State and discuss the learning objectives and answer any questions the employee may have. Discuss the acceptable standards of knowledge and performance. Tell the trainee what you're going to train. Emphasize the importance of the procedure to the success of the production/service goals.

Welding is a general term for various processes used to join metal parts by producing a coalescence, called a weld, at a joint. This is usually done by applying heat and energy when bringing the pieces of metal together.
Step 2- Trainer shows and tells: In this step the trainee becomes familiar with each work practice and why it is important.
Review the initial conditions for the procedure. Demonstrate the process, carefully explaining each step as you go. Answer questions and continue to demonstrate and explain until the employee understands what to do, when and why to do it, and how to do it.
Step 3- Learner tells - Trainer shows: This step is necessary when exposure to hazards inherent in the procedure could cause serious harm.
It protects the trainee because the trainer performs the procedure. The trainee explains the procedure to the trainer, while the trainer does it.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
6-4. In Step 3 (learner tells, trainer shows) of the 7-Step OJT process, how does the trainer make sure the trainee does not get hurt the first time performing a hazardous task during the training session?
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