Designating Competent or Qualified Persons
Although federal OSHA defines competent and qualified persons, the definitions don't provide specifics for determining who can assume these roles.

Competent and qualified persons must have the required knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs).
To help determine if someone meets the qualifications as a competent or qualified person, the employer can do the following:
- Know the OSHA rules that apply to the construction worksite. The rules will indicate the need to designate a competent/qualified person.
- Note the specific competent/qualified person duties and responsibilities.
- Give competent/qualified persons the authority to take prompt corrective action to eliminate hazards
- Determine the required knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) competent/qualified persons need to meet the OSHA requirements.
- Designate persons who have the requisite KSAs that meet OSHA rule requirements.
- Verify competency by preparing a written certification record containing employee identity, date of training, and the trainer and employer's signatures.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
2-3. Before employers designate competent and qualified persons, they should determine the required _____.
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