Rescue at Height
Prompt Rescue Required
The best strategy for protecting workers from falls is to eliminate the hazards that cause them.

When you can't eliminate the hazards, you must protect workers with an appropriate fall-protection system or method. If a worker is suspended in a personal fall-arrest system, you must provide for a prompt rescue to prevent injury from suspension trauma using one of the following basic methods:
- Self-rescue - the preferred method using techniques to relieve pressure on legs.
- Assisted-rescue - if self-rescue is not possible, one or more trained rescuers with appropriate equipment perform assisted rescue of the worker.
Prompt rescue of a worker suspended by a fall arrest system is not defined by OSHA in 1926.502. However, OSHA does state that, in this case, the word "prompt" requires that the rescue be performed quickly -- in time to prevent serious injury to the worker. (OSHA Letter of Interpretation 2003-12-18)
A worker suspended in a harness after a fall can lose consciousness within minutes if the harness puts too much pressure on arteries. The Air force studied how long a physically fit person could hang in a full-body harness without extreme discomfort and found that the average times were between 17 and 28 minutes. However, tolerance varies greatly from person to person, and in fact, suspension trauma can occur in as little as 10 minutes. For more information on suspension trauma visit XSPlatforms.
Check out this great resource, Fall Protection: Responding to Emergencies - WISHA, that covers the various techniques of self-rescue and aided rescue after a worker falls using a personal fall-arrest system (PFAS).
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
9-1. If a worker is suspended in a personal fall-arrest system, you must provide for a prompt rescue. "Prompt" means _____.
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