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806 Focus Four - Fall Hazards
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Edges and Openings

If sides and openings are not protected at your site, injuries from falls or falling objects may result, ranging from sprains and concussions to death.

A worker tripped and fell through this skylight.

Falls to a lower level are a major cause of fatalities in construction. Improperly covered or unprotected floor holes and openings are a common fall hazard. It's easy to step into a hole or opening when carrying something that blocks one's forward view.

Roofing falls are the leading cause of roofing injuries and fatalities. Roofing, siding and sheet metal work have the highest rate of occupational injuries and illnesses for a non-manufacturing industry. One of the most frequently cited serious OSHA violations involving roofing and fall protection is unprotected sides and edges.

In steel erection, each employee who is on a walking/working surface with an unprotected side or edge more than 15 feet (4.6 m) above a lower level must be protected from fall hazards by guardrail systems, safety net systems, personal fall arrest systems, positioning device systems or fall restraint systems. There are some exceptions in 1926.760(a)(3) for connectors and workers working in controlled decking zones for heights between 15 and 30 feet.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

1-3. In steel erection, workers on walking/working surfaces with unprotected sides or edges _____ must be protected from falling under most circumstances.