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812 OSHA Focus Four Hazards
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General Safe Work Practices

As an employee, you are your own best advocate for keeping yourself safe. Below is a list of safe work practices to help you.

When working with compressed air:

  • reduce air pressure to 30 psi if used for cleaning, and use only with appropriate guarding and proper protective equipment; and
  • never clean clothing with compressed air.
Air Compressor Safety

When working with hand tools:

  • do not use tools with loose, cracked or splintered handles; and
  • do not use impact tools with mushroomed heads.

When working with machines, such as jack hammers, pavement saws:

  • be sure to be trained on safe operation of machinery;
  • inspect machinery and ensure all guards are in place and in working order;
  • protect feet, eyes, ears and hands; and
  • wear hearing protection.

When performing overhead work:

  • secure all tools and materials;
  • use toeboards, screens, guardrails and debris nets;
  • barricade the area and post signs; and
  • be sure materials stored in buildings under construction are placed further than 6 feet of hoist way/floor openings and more than 10 feet from an exterior wall.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

6-5. How far from hoist ways/floor openings must materials be stored?